Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Starting out

While today is the official start of the blog and the transformation I really started the diet and exercise regime Monday in earnest. So far, things have been pretty good.

I've been tracking fairly regularly and eating more or less on schedule. There always seems to be a large gap between meals 2 and 3 or 3 and 4. Something to work on.

Hitting calories fairly accurately which is good. I really do end up eating what seems like a mountain of food when I work out, especially on days when I lift and run. It always makes me nervous to eat so much when I'm on a diet. I guess this is just the side-effect of being an obsessive neurotic who's now on a fat loss diet. I do like to eat, but usually don't eat as much as I'd like so this could work out well for me.

Exercising has proven to be a little more difficult. Even just typing the word is a pain in the ass. It took a ridiculous amount of time for me to spell it correctly. I really want there to be an extra C in it, I don't know why. I'm not exactly a stranger to exercise mind you, but being consistent is another thing. Until today things had been pretty fine, but today... I just DIDN'T WANT TO GO! I forced myself to go anyway, and it took me a ridiculous amount of time to complete everything, but I did finish. My energy was just sagging today for some reason.

If I had to guess why, I'd say it had something to do with dehydration, which admittedly I've been kinda crappy about. I barely drank anything today and let me tell you, it's been HOT here in the city. Like "where the hell did spring go" kinda hot. It's my own fault. I dug out my old nalgene from a kitchen cupboard but never washed it, so I've been carrying the damn thing around in my back pack empty for like 2 days. I deserve dehydration! Yeesh!

Obviously, I've been good so far about the blog part. I'd ideally like to make a post every evening, even if it's just a quick check in, but I know me... we'll see. For now though, so far so good. I find it very helpful so far recap past success and challenges. They all look much better on the screen than in my mind.

So one post and about half a week down! Until tomorrow...